Wednesday 17 August 2011

Another book!

Yes! I've done it! Another ebook published!
I love doing these picture books, though this one about a spider gave me the shivers as I was doing the illustrations. I kept making myself jump! The whole idea of the book is not to be so scared of spiders, 'cause I'm shockingly scared of them! I wrote this story some time ago for my own children so they wouldn't have the same fear as me and it worked with my daughter who has always happily taken out the spiders for me! Result!
The link to this book is
So if you're a wimp with spiders, like me, give it a go!
Now I'm working on an ebook for teenagers, a science fiction/fantasy that's been using up my spare time for a while. This one is the first in a series and is called 'The Seventh Son'.
Not only has it got a fantastic plot it also has a inner message woven into the story, that encourages the reader to really think about the beliefs and traditions that we just accept in our lives. The whole concept of being more openminded is explored in a way that is entertaining and with characters that are believable.
Basically the story makes you think!
Just two more chapters to type and it's ready for the next stage.

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