Sunday, 17 June 2012

I'm always trying to keep up-to-date with publishing as regards children's book. Everything in the publishing world is moving at such a rapid rate, it would be easy to be left behind.
I've just read this really interesting and informative article on the future of ebooks...

It discusses many questions, such as, are print books going away? How does digital affect children’s reading experience? What’s about the next generation of industry leaders? Based on their consumption styles, how will they change publishing?
See what you think...

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Author's Den has me on 'Featured Children's News'!

Author's Den has a featured news article about me on their children's news. How great! It is as follows:

Paula McBride''s Amazon author pages are up and ready to share with you. With a full list of the author and illustators books, photos and added information.

Amazon author pages offer customers a great way to find new authors, browse favourite authors, discover new books, and much more.

Included in Paula McBride's author page you will find her biography, author images, a video highlighting her children's picture books and a discussion board for comments.

Watch the 3 minute video that shows in time-lapse how Paula illustrates her work, and listen to her voice as she reads samples from some of her children's picture ebooks.

"Author pages really help people get closer to their favourite authors," said Paula McBride, "they're an excellent tool for authors and customers alike."

Read the biography and get to know Paula McBride at her's author pages by following the link below:

Monday, 11 June 2012

Interesting things at book signing events?

What do you take with you for interest at children's book signing events? Or what is the most interesting item you've ever seen at a book signing?

My friend has made my son a 'Hairy Scary Spider'!
He looks sooooo like 'Hairy' from my children's picture ebook.
He's to be used at 'meet the author' and publicity event because children love to interact with the characters from my children's stories.

Here's a photo of him with my little boy...